I’m curious about what the plan with compas_viewers
is. What type of objects and interactions are currently supported, and what features are planned to be added next in the short run?
@vanmele any leads on this?
the goal of the viewers is to provide the possibility to visualize geometry, data structures, structures, robots, … and especially the associated data without having to work in a CAD environment. so visualisation of, for example, FEA2 results, assembly data structures, robotic processes, slicing, …
interaction with the models will be limited to manipulations of the scene and modification of the visualisation settings. there is no plan to make it a modelling tool…
however, it should be possible to load models and apply smoothing, subdivision, … algorithms and visualise the results without haing to write additional scripts.
currently we are struggling a bit with recent updates to PySide2
which make the viewers unusable. hopefully this will be resolved soon.
Well, now there is compas_view2
What is different about it from
replaces compas_viewers
entirely. compas_viewers
has already been archived and will be removed in the near future…
is meant to be a complete prototyping environment for COMPAS development. it is conda
installable and will provide out of the box support for all COMPAS objects (geometry, data structures, robots, …).
it is under very active development, but will be stable soon…
That is enticing. Looking forward to the first stable release! (also to update the viewers module in compas_cem
try it out. the release is already pretty good. it is just that not all features are there yet…
hi @tomvanmele, i’m curious about data visualizations with compas_view2
; would it be possible to visualize charts or tables in this viewer?
hi @coroush ,
it is technically possible, but currently there are no chart or table elements predefined in the package.
charts are not so high on the priority list, but table views should be available soon since we need them to let users visualize and interact with the data defined by data structures and other COMPAS objects.
if you have something specific in mind, please post a feature request
@Li_Chen since this is now possible, could you add a few examples to the repo docs?
Sure will start to add some