Plotter has no .add

I’m facing a problem with the Plotter, it seems to not have the .add method.

>>> import compas
>>> compas.__version__
>>> import random
>>> import compas
>>> from compas.geometry import Circle, Polyline
>>> from compas.datastructures import Network
>>> from compas_plotters import Plotter
>>> network = Network.from_obj(compas.get('grid_irregular.obj'))
>>> start, end = random.sample(network.leaves(), 2)
>>> path = network.shortest_path(start, end)
>>> points = network.nodes_attributes('xy', keys=path)
>>> polyline = Polyline(points)
>>> circles = [Circle([point, [0, 0, 1]], 0.1 * index) for index, point in enumerate(points)]
>>> plotter = Plotter()
>>> plotter.add(network)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Plotter' object has no attribute 'add'

Is something wrong with my environment setup?

or is it recommended to use the viewer instead in general?

the add method was not available yet in release 1.7.1. it will be part of 1.7.2
the “latest” docs are about the current dev version, but that is indeed not very clear :slight_smile: