I’m facing a problem with the Plotter, it seems to not have the .add method.
>>> import compas
>>> compas.__version__
>>> import random
>>> import compas
>>> from compas.geometry import Circle, Polyline
>>> from compas.datastructures import Network
>>> from compas_plotters import Plotter
>>> network = Network.from_obj(compas.get('grid_irregular.obj'))
>>> start, end = random.sample(network.leaves(), 2)
>>> path = network.shortest_path(start, end)
>>> points = network.nodes_attributes('xy', keys=path)
>>> polyline = Polyline(points)
>>> circles = [Circle([point, [0, 0, 1]], 0.1 * index) for index, point in enumerate(points)]
>>> plotter = Plotter()
>>> plotter.add(network)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Plotter' object has no attribute 'add'
Is something wrong with my environment setup?