Hi Gonzalo!
A quick update:
While waiting for the pull request to ROS, I started to look into the analytical solver.
I made a .urdf file and mesh description for the GoFa12 after finding the DH parameters, and I can import and visualize the robot in Rhino/Gh via Compas_Fab v. 0.27, only in RH7 (I made a forum entry about that).
The default Forward Kinematics solver compas_fab.robots.Robot.forward_kinematics()
works fine, I therefore assume the .urdf is fine:
After some implementation starting from here I tested the compas_fab.backends.OffsetWristKinematics
class with the GoFa DH parameters but both forward and inverse solvers do not work as expected (see flying frame in the image above for the FK solution).
I compared the UR10e solution with the GoFa12 one and run several unsuccessful tests. Is it possible that currently available offset wrist solvers are taylored to Universal Robots kinematic models?
I looked for alternative analytical solutions, and came across the IKFast library and OpenRAVE, which can produce robot-specific analytical solutions from urdfs. I am now giving this a try to familiarize with Docker, and, as a last resort I’ll see if I can run this.
Before going fully down that road, I’d be happy to know if there are alternative solutions.