"No module named numba" while importing compas_rhino

While importing compas_rhino or compas.datastructures in iron python I get the “No module named numba” Import Error. I used to import these a month ago without a problem. Could you please explain what the problem could be?

Can you confirm you have the latest pull or update of compas? If the error still exists can you paste the error line so we can trace back which import is causing this.

It is probably something slipping through the try excepts.

I have just pulled the latest version. Now I get a different error.

for example:

import compas
from compas_rhino.artists import MeshArtist

Message: cannot import binomial_coefficient from compas.utilities

line 13, in , “C:\Users…\Documents\compas-dev\compas\src\compas\geometry_primitives\curve.py”
line 15, in , “C:\Users…\Documents\compas-dev\compas\src\compas\geometry_primitives_init_.py”
line 429, in , “C:\Users…\Documents\compas-dev\compas\src\compas\geometry_init_.py”
line 7, in , “C:\Users…\Documents\compas-dev\compas\src\compas_rhino\utilities\drawing.py”
line 160, in , “C:\Users…\Documents\compas-dev\compas\src\compas_rhino\utilities_init_.py”
line 29, in , “C:\Users…\Documents\compas-dev\compas\src\compas_rhino_init_.py”


import compas
from compas.datastructures import Mesh

Message: cannot import binomial_coefficient from compas.utilities

line 13, in , “C:\Users…\Documents\compas-dev\compas\src\compas\geometry_primitives\curve.py”
line 15, in , “C:\Users…\Documents\compas-dev\compas\src\compas\geometry_primitives_init_.py”
line 429, in , “C:\Users…\Documents\compas-dev\compas\src\compas\geometry_init_.py”
line 17, in , “C:\Users…\Documents\compas-dev\compas\src\compas\datastructures\network_network.py”
line 6, in , “C:\Users…\Documents\compas-dev\compas\src\compas\datastructures\network_init_.py”
line 142, in , “C:\Users…\Documents\compas-dev\compas\src\compas\datastructures_init_.py”

Glad the first error went away.

The new error I do not get with CPython or in IronPython with Rhino.

I can run from compas.utilities import binomial_coefficient without problem. I suggest you make an issue as it could be a bug that might be affectiing others too, there you can provide some more information on the problem.

The problem got somehow solved after I removed a version of the numpydoc folder from anaconda site-packages, which was causing errors while importing sklearn package!!! Not sure what the relation was!