Request for a function oriented bounding rectangle numpy


Thanks to many good functions like compas.geometry.oriented_bounding_box_numpy which is irreplaceable by Rhino. Geometry.

To rich the functionality of COMPAS, I wish there will be any possibility of adding a function called oriented_bounding_rectangle_numpy or similar to enhance the 2D bounding calculation.

Currently the oriented_bounding_box_numpy can be used for 2D cases, but an independent oriented bounding rectangle function could be more inexpensive for the computation and easy to use.



could you add this as a feature request on the issue tracker?
here it will be forgotten…



Thanks for the reply!

Absolutely! the feature request is created here.


while working on the geometry refactor, i realised that this function actually already exists. see here

or is this not what you are looking for?

it also uses the convex hull of the points in the background, but only the 2D coordinates…

oh, thanks! some how didn’t find it before. That works!

i am still testing the functionality on different data sets but soonish a reliable version of the functions should be available…

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