Supporting compas<2.0 in compas_notebook?

Hi all,

I pinned compas-notebook=0.3.3 some time ago as a dependency for jax_fdm and it worked like a charm. Until Github actions told me otherwise last week.

Is there a pip- or conda-installable version of compas-notebook that supports compas<2.0 out of the box?

I was surprised not only to see that version 0.3.3 was not available on pypi anymore, but that all previous and subsequent published versions of compas-notebook on pypi require compas>2.0.
jax_fdm will be pinned to compas<2.0 for the next couple of months, but I need compas-notebook to continue working smoothly with a group of collaborators for the coming weeks on a project that relies on displaying stuff on jupyter notebooks / google colab.

Thanks for your help,