I would like to ask about motion planning and constraints.
In the following code, does the name of a joint must correspond to names seen in a robot configuration? The reason to ask is I do not know when and how they are defined, do they correspond to urdf link naming? Once I append them to the list I do not know if they influence the planning, for example when the name of a joints would be wrongly written.
pc_5_ = PositionConstraint.from_box('rob1_joint_4', box)
pc_6_ = PositionConstraint.from_box('rob1_joint_5', box)
jc_3_ = JointConstraint('rob1_joint_3', 10, 70, -10, 1.0)
jc_2_ = JointConstraint('rob1_joint_2', 10, 20, -15, 1.0)
Another question not related to compas_fab, is there any manual how to disable SafeMove?
Larger code snippet:
# Move robot to place position
x = 4000
y = 1650 # MIN 1100 MAX 2200
z = -630
x_axis = Vector(0.707107,0.707107,0)
y_axis = Vector(0.707107,-0.707107,0)
frame_place_0 = Frame(Point(x, y, z_safety),x_axis, y_axis)
frame_place_1 = Frame(Point(x, y, z+500), x_axis, y_axis) # upper position before release
frame_place_2 = Frame(Point(x, y, z), x_axis, y_axis) # target position
frames = [frame_place_0, frame_place_1, frame_place_2]
with RosClient("localhost") as client:
robot = client.load_robot()
group = robot.main_group_name
frame_place_0_fab = Frame(Point(frame_place_0.point[0]/1000.0, frame_place_0.point[1]/1000.0, 0.564985+frame_place_0.point[2]/1000.0),x_axis, y_axis)
#frame_pick_0 = Frame(Point(7000/1000.0, 1500/1000.0, 0.564985+z_safety/1000.0),Vector(-0.260359,0.965511,-0.001113), Vector(0.96545,0.260355,0.011044)) #0.564985+
robot_joints, external_axes = abb.send_and_wait(rrc.GetJoints())
angles = to_radians([robot_joints.rax_1,robot_joints.rax_2,robot_joints.rax_3,robot_joints.rax_4,robot_joints.rax_5,robot_joints.rax_6])
start_configuration.joint_values = ( clamp(external_axes[0]/1000-0,5.0,6.7), angles[0],angles[1],angles[2],angles[3],angles[4],angles[5] )
# create goal constraints from frame
constraints = []
pc_5_ = PositionConstraint.from_box('rob1_joint_4', box)
pc_6_ = PositionConstraint.from_box('rob1_joint_5', box)
jc_3_ = JointConstraint('rob1_joint_3', 10, 70, -10, 1.0)
jc_2_ = JointConstraint('rob1_joint_2', 10, 20, -15, 1.0)
constraints = constraints + robot.constraints_from_frame(frame_place_0_fab, tolerance_position, tolerance_axes, group, True)
trajectory = robot.plan_motion(constraints, start_configuration, group, options=dict(planner_id="RRT"))
for i in range(len(trajectory.points)):
c = trajectory.points[i]
track_position = c.joint_values[0]*1000
joints = to_degrees(c.joint_values)
if i < len(trajectory.points) - 1:
zone = rrc.Zone.Z10
zone = rrc.Zone.FINE
abb.send(rrc.MoveToJoints(joints, ext_axes=[track_position], speed=speed, zone=zone))
abb.send_and_wait(rrc.MoveToFrame(frame_place_1, speed, rrc.Zone.FINE, rrc.Motion.LINEAR)) # place frame
abb.send_and_wait(rrc.MoveToFrame(frame_place_2, 50, rrc.Zone.FINE, rrc.Motion.LINEAR)) # place frame
abb.send_and_wait(rrc.SetDigital('Local_IO_0_DO1', 0), timeout=5) # open gripper
abb.send_and_wait(rrc.MoveToFrame(frame_place_0, speed, rrc.Zone.FINE, rrc.Motion.LINEAR)) # place frame