Revit in COMPAS

Hi everyone, I was going over the COMPAS website and I saw in the home page that there is Revit and Sofistik’s logo but once inside the tutorials and documentation I couldn’t find anything about them. Is there any record or place where I can find information about it, in case there is?

Thanks in advance


support for Revit specifically was indeed abandoned. however, we are working on support for IFC directly. it should not be too complicated to use COMPAS in Dynamo. probably have an example lying around somewhere that could be added to the docs…

SOFiSTiK will be supported in COMPAS FEA(2) in the February release…

Hi, sorry for necroposting, but I would like to know more about this.

When you say use COMPAS in Dynamo, do you mean install COMPAS package in a IronPython environment and then add the site-packages folder to the sys.path of a python script node?

I suppose there are no converters od COMPAS objects to Dynamo/Revit geometries, are they?

Thanks for the attention


it has been a while since i tried this, but since COMPAS is compatible with (Iron)Python 2.7, you should be able to just add it to the PYTHONPATH in a Dynamo script and use it directly. no need to install it in an IronPython environment.

i guess this will have the least amount of side effects if you do this with a local source repo of COMPAS. when you have COMPAS installed in the site packages folder of some CPython environment it should also work, but make sure there are no clashes between the other packages in the site packages folder and similar ones used by IronPython.

there are currently indeed no explicit converters between COMPAS geometries and Dynamo/Revit geometries. can you give an example of what you have in mind?

Thanks @tomvanmele
I assumed I needed to install the package in some environment because of its requirements. I will try to use the source repo as it is (and avoid using numpy related stuff, of course).
I will also try to see if can use it with pyRevit

As for the conversion, one of the things I would like to do is to create a complex geometry as a family / generic model (The current workflow involves exporting an inventor model to DWG and then import it into revit and explode it).

Also, being able to de/serialize revit geometries in json format would be great (to free ourselves from vendor lock-ins)

okay, let me know if there is something i can do to help. perhaps we can start a compas_dynamo or compas_revit?