Why the headbar is nothing? Thank you very much~

i am doing the compass package theme,but i found:

the head bar is nothing…

Thank you very much!

hi there,

happy to help, but i need a bit more information :slight_smile:
what exactly are you trying to do?
and how are you doing it?


hello Tom
i would like to clone the dev compass github page.
but it seem a big problem…
for example: i create a repo https://github.com/fabunion/test
is clone from dev compas github page
but it seems the web page cannot load css…
do you know why?

(the reason i do this is because i need to do a package to add to compas ,so i need to learn how to do a compas page using sphinx and github page)
Thank you very much for help…

it would be better to use the compaspkg theme for that.
and with cookiecutter-compas-package that should be really simple.

let’s assume you are on Mac and your package will be called compas_fabulous

Create a virtual environment

$ conda create -n test python=3.6 COMPAS
$ source activate test

Install stuff

$ pip install sphinx_compas_theme
$ pip install cookiecutter

Create a COMPAS package

$ mkdir ~/Code/COMPAS-packages
$ cd ~/Code/COMPAS-packages
$ cookiecutter gh:BlockResearchGroup/cookiecutter-compas-package

Just follow the instructions … and use compas_fabulous when asked for the project slug.

Generate the docs

$ cd compas_fabulous
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ invoke docs
$ open docs/index.html

Let me know if that doesn’t work :slight_smile:

Thank you Tom, now is very late in Shanghai,and i will go to try as you told me tomorrow morning.
then i will tell you the result,Thank you very much Tom

thank you Tom,i’ve followed your instruction…it works!
but there are 3 small questions:

1.conda create -n test python=3.6 COMPAS. this sentence i cannot run…it is error in my computer…so i donnot create a enviroment.

2.pip install -r requirements-dev.txt this sentence ,can you explain it what use of this?

3.what means of “cookiecutter gh:BlockResearchGroup/cookiecutter-compas-package”
Thank you Tom~

  1. can you post the error?
  2. it will install some of the development tools (sphinx, invoke, twine, …) and install an editable version of your package (editable means that changes to the source code will have an effect on the installed version of the package)
  3. it takes the template for compas packages (cookiecutter-compas-package) from our gihub organisation (BlockResearchGroup) and uses cookiecutter to create a package from the template.

thank you for answer,i think now has no promblem…
this is my test:
could you give have some advice Tom?

it is a bit difficult to answer your questions with so little information :slight_smile:
advice about what?