DLL load failed compas_cgal

When I import compas _cgal, the error occurs:

File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\compas_cgal\booleans.py:6
from compas_cgal._cgal import booleans

ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _cgal: The specified module was not found.

I reinstalled the libraries, anaconda, but nothing helped. This error occurred a few days ago, before that everything worked fine.

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could you provide a bit more information?

  • platform
  • python version
  • installation procedure


I use Compas in my research, but I am a researcher in marine architecture, not programming, so I apologize if I didn’t understand exactly what information is needed to help me with this question.
I use Anaconda on Windows 10, Python 3.12.7. I did the installation using conga in Anaconda Prompt. After reinstalling Anaconda and Python on my computer, I only installed Compas, Compas_cgal and Compas_viewer

no worries, just trying to find the origin of the problem…

maybe as a quick test, just to rule it out, could you try installing in an environment with a different python version? something like

conda create -n cgal-py310 python=3.10 compas compas_cgal compas_viewer

in the meantime i will try reproducing the error on my end.


found the problem. it has to do with the switch to pyproject.toml in the recent version. will release a patch fix later today. should be solved by tomorrow…

compas_cgal 0.7.2 is building now and will be available very soon…

It’s working, thanks for the help!

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